Nominal Refund: Frequently Asked Questions

  • To protect you from fraud, we place a small refund back to your credit card to verify card details.
  • It's a similar process to what Paypal uses to verify new credit cards.
  • Once you've seen the refund appear in your account, please confirm the amount with us.
  • Normally the refund appears within 1 - 2 business days.

It's a simple and effective way to protect you against unauthorised use of your card and protect us against fraudulent transactions.

We place a small refund back to your credit card to verify card details, and ask you to confirm the amount.

Nothing, until we contact you to verify the refund amount.

Slightly, but no more than any other checks we would need to do in a scenario where your payment is flagged as unusual.

Paypal uses a similar refund process when a credit card is first linked to a Paypal account. The nominal refund process we use is recommended by our Bank for their online merchants.

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